The celebrations began late Tuesday when Congress surrendered and the revelers didn’t rest until Thursday when The Senate was officially handed over to al Qaeda as well. All through the Middle East and Old Europe the euphoric atmosphere was like a surreal 3-day drug-induced acid trip awash in hallucinations.
Back in the United States of America the Democrat Party was also celebrating.
In a matter of hours the first war criminal was apprehended when Donald Rumsfeld was led out of the White House with handcuffs binding his blood-stained hands. Moments later, Ways and Means Committee Chairman-elect, Charlie Rangel, removed the red state of Mississippi from the Union and the coup was fully underway.
Shrieker Of The House-elect, Nancy Pelosi, took time out to lunch with the deposed, and soon-to-be impeached, President to reassure the country that the new face of al Qaeda still refuses to wear a burkha or veil of any kind until no sooner than 2008.
By the time Wednesday evening rolled around both al Qaeda and The Taliban made their much anticipated congratulatory calls to Pelosi, Reid, Schumer, John Conyers and other members of the upcoming Impeachment Committee.
Although none of the new American-born leaders of al Qaeda have ever been to Spain, a few had been to Arizona. Not Barcelona, not Oklahoma, but Arizona. However, even without making the trip to the land of the running-of-the-bulls, they were all in agreement that surrendering to terrorism, as Spain did in 2004, pleased their terrorist masters so much, it was the new “in-thing” for liberal Euro-Wannabe Americans.
Although the Democrat Party must still bring to the altar of bin Laden the head of George W. Bush, they must first allow the White House to be blown up as part of their agreement with their al Qaeda leader.
"(Son of a mill worker)
You walked with the Democrat party like you were walking onto your yacht
Your hair strategically dipped below one eye
Your scarf it was apricot
You had one eye in the mirror as you watched yourself gavotte
And all the boys dreamed that they'd be your partner
Your Domestic Partner, and...
You're insane, you probably think this song is about you
You're insane, I'll bet you think this song is about you
Don't you? Don't you?"